Monday, August 16, 2010

Comfort Zone

It is awesome to be in love, to experience that intoxicating feeling when you have just made n huge breakthrough in your life and when you just signed a very large business deal.

Yes, when we experience this success your body embraces it like a narcotic, you are on a high! That feeling would soon warn away, possibly the minute you face your next issue or problem. Like an alcoholic in need of a drink, you would spend the rest of your life trying to get that high again; chasing the next deal, forever analyzing your behavior and that of others.

Your life will be a series of ups and downs and your feelings will ride that wave along with you. You will miss the journey, the experience of each moment in your life. You will miss love.

So, what are you holding onto so dearly that stands between you and the joy of life?

What do you need to let go off in order to just be?

I realized yesterday that there are a number of things I was holding onto to make sure I will experience true love. My 'non-negotiables' are keeping me from experiencing life and love. I need to let go..... 

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