Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Good intentions.....is it good enough?

Wow, it has been a week of great learning. Again I have become aware that we will never stop learning or growing in life. The question and most propably the biggest question in life is just that: "Are you truly willing to grow...even when it is not nice?"

Reality is that growing is never a great experience initially......but when your awareness changes and you start to grow in a specific area of your character and life.....wow, it is awesome. It is truly life changing.

What moved me was to deeply realise that no matter how good my intentions are, even if my heart is at a good place concerning my intention, that it does not mean it is the right thing to do.

My intentions has no control over the experience the other person is going to have.....and absolutely no control over the consequences of my actions or words.

Completely unconsciously we will find ourselves trying to justify our actions by means of our good intentions. We will try to convince the other person that we meant well. That they should see it for what we meant it! The more you try to justify and convince, the more you loose 'face' and integrity in the other persons eyes.

We truly need to do what we can to get control of our emotions that drives these 'good intention' behavior. I have experienced that it is mostly driven by a sense of desperation and fear. It even might be genuine concern.....yet still driven by fear.

It is your word at the end of the day that should be the final decider. Always keep your word, no matter how tough it gets, keep your word. It is the one thing that no one can take from you.....only you can give it away.

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