Monday, December 12, 2011

Is there a purpose?

Is there a purpose to this?
Is there a puspose to it all?

All of us at some point have asked these questions when we find ourselves at the end of a chapter in our life. In these moments we are often consumed by emotions of failure and or loss. We become quiet and withdrawn as we slowly ponder the shock and the sadness that eventually expresses itself through tears of loneliness and heartache.
Others find themselves expressing these intense emotions through anger and resentment that gets fueled by the feeling of rejection. Tears gush out in an attempt to put out the fire and heat of hurtful words and expressions.

Memories flash through your head of moments where you could have done things different, where you should have seen things you overlooked and also those moments when all was so good that makes this moment so hard to hard to handle.

And then you find yourself asking the question: What was the pupose?

Why did we meet? Why did our paths cross? Why did this opportunity come my way? Why did this door open in the first place?

This is the time to remember.....

Remember that you have been here before. Remember that when one chapter ends another will begin. That when one door closes another will open. Remember that it is impossible to join all the dots looking forward, but when you look back at your life you can start to put the dots together. And eventually as you draw the line through those dots you will find a picture.......and all will make sense. So keep walking.....keep searching for the next dot and enjoy the journey between the dots. Take the time between to learn and observe, to grow, to make better choices and to make the next chapter one where you make a positive impact on many lives.

Enjoy the next chapter cause each one matters. It might not feel like it now.....and that is okay. You might not feel like starting a new chapter that you would rather join the crowd that sits on the sideline with pitty in one hand and judgment in the other shouting as if they know best. And feeling like that is okay....just take the time to reflect. Take a moment, take a day, take a week......and before you know it a new chapter will begin.

When a new chapter begins there is excitement. There is joy and love and hope. It is in these moments that you realise, when you finally get your answer:

YES, there is a purpose!

There is a purpose to it all!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Getting closure

So there I was talking to a client of mine about a bad experience she had with someone and the friendship came to an end. It has been a while and they are still talking, so I asked why? Her answer was that she needs to get closure. Again I asked how? She responded that she just needs to hear him say what she believes to be the truth!

And then it hit many times or where in my life am I struggling to move on because I have not heard what I wanted to hear? That it is not possible for me to get closure on a issue or relationship and effectively move forward just because what the person said is not what I wanted to hear?

Therefore not getting the answer I wanted leaves me to not believe what is said. Almost as if then it does not count! I tell myself that he or she did not really mean it......and carry on as if nothing happened. And the only thing that keeps happening is that you end up hurting yourself more and more and deeper and deeper.

We are so cought up in the world of justification. We demand people to justify themselves when they say or choose something that we do not like or did not want.

Let people take responsibility for they own choices. The only responsibility you have is to make sure they know what the consequences are going to be and that they have full knowledge of the situation. The choice they make given this is simply their own choice......accept it and move on. Better things and all good things will come your way as long as you walk in truth and righteously.

So keep faith and keep walking. You are worth it!