Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stand up and keep walking.....

Okay so there I was sitting with a cup of Milo in front of the TV watching a movie thinking about absolutely nothing. The main character was such a 'nice' guy and for some reason it just seemed that everybody treated him badly.....that life was dealing him a bad hand.

Memories of my life then started flashing through my mind in which I related to what he was going through.....and then I started feeling really sorry for him, just as I felt sorry for myself. Could it be? How did I ignore this for so long.....decieving myself? I felt sorry for myself!!!!!

This is not good.....this is not good at all!!!!

Why, because sorrow is the very thing that keeps you from moving forward in life. And sorrow makes you believe that you are not worth it!!

I almost got angry at....no I did get angry with the guy in the movie!!!! Stop feeling sorry for yourself dude! Do not accept being treated with no respect!! Get up man...just stand up for what you are worth!! You are not getting knocked down by life and other people....you are allowing yourself to be knocked down and eventually you even expect it and start looking for reasons to prove it to yourself.

It all comes down to RESPECT. 

Respect is a huge word. Respect encaptulates everything in life.....every choice we make.....every action we take......every attitude we carry......every word we utter!

If you don't love someone with respect, then you don't love that person.
If you don't display friendship with respect, then you are not a friend to that person.
If you do not respect yourself, then you are not able to be yourself.

And NOTHING justifies you treating anyone without respect. The moment you have to explain or convince or justify your action of disrespect......then you are fooling yourself and the other person.

For some reason we have lost the true meaning and intensity of the word respect. Like you can treat people without it when it suits you and then still expect to be 'respected' yourself. Hahahahahaa, seriously....stop kidding yourself!!!! You will eventually find yourself alone, this I can promise you.

Listen to me carefully now......stand up, open your eyes to the truth and keep walking! 

You are worth being loved with respect, being treated with respect!!

DO NOT accept anything less and do not treat people with anything less. Why? Because you are worth it!!!! And this, being worth it, is the one thing that you do not have to convince anyone of! Turning your back when treated with disrespect you do not have to explain or justify to no one!

You are worth it!!!!

So stand up, respect yourself and keep walking. We all want to finish well, so then start living well and surround yourself with people who treat you well.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Listen to what you are saying

I have to admit that I am guilty sitting here and writing this message. Guilty for not having shared what is on my heart and letting it build up inside me to the extend that I am a bomb of frustration waiting to explode!

There is one little sentence written in the Bible, Matt 5:37, that is so simple that we all know it yet we do not stop to fathom the importance and impact thereof. "Let your yes be your yes, and your no be your no!"

This little sentence impacts greatly on trust, self-esteem, relationship, choices and communication.

What I want to focus on is the meaning, the true meaning of words that we use. We are so quick to say things to others and apply words to our own lives, yet we never stop to consider the true meaning of those words. What we need to remember is that the very minute you say something to someone you instantly create a expectation with that person.

So what we need to pay attention to is the definition of that word you used on which the commitment was made and the expectation was created. Do you really know what the true definition is of that word? And are you truly willing and able to fullfill the true definition of that word....not just the part that suits you, but the entire definition of that word?

When you call someone your friend......do you know what the true and full meaning of 'friend' is and are you willing to be that true friend unconditionally?
When you use the word loyalty.......do you know what that word truly means and are you able to place it accurately within the context where it applies?
When you tell someone you love them......do you know what you are really saying? The attitude, the commitment, the respect and the compassion that comes with that word?

When you say yes......it is just that! Not only until it suits you, it means yes. Your character will be written based on your actions in line with your words, today, tomorrow and forever!

So stop for a minute before you speak, before you make commitment and before you say yes or no. Think, think again and make sure you can put your name next to every word you use because if you like it or not you are signing your name next to every word you use.

That is the only thing in life that no one can take from you...the one thing that only YOU can give away....and that is your word.

Think before you speak before you act.....and enjoy the person you choose to be!

The choices we make.....

It was like that yesterday, it was like that the day before and it was the same this morning. Yes, each day starts exactly the same.....with you having to make a choice.

We make choices everyday, some we are conscious of and others we are not. These choices they affect others, not just ourselves and not always in good ways. For these we sometimes are truly sorry and other times we are so caught up in our own ego and self rightiousness that we justify hurting others.

In the end we all will follow our own path no matter where it leads. One day you will look back and see your mistakes....we are not perfect. Yet these choices have consequences and some you can never put right again. Some caused you to lose things you can never get back again (friendship, marriage, business deal). Some leads to the end of a chapter so that you can start a new chapter in life (new job, new relationship, new life as a whole!).

All things, good and bad, starts with a choice. Do not make a choice if you are not certain.....while at the same time do not delay making an effort to ask questions to gain certainty. Avoiding to make a choice and taking constructive action simply leads to more pressure and tention.

These choices are there for you to make everyday. I can only hope that you try to make them with the same effort you wish to live by. The same effort that you wish for someone else to honor you with, even if it means to accept something you did not want right now.

I can only wish for you to learn from your mistakes and choices you made....and to share with others the good ones you made hoping it will benefit them one day. So become aware before you make a choice....for in every moment it is impossible for you to know all. Ask questions.....listen, really listen.....come clean with your intentions and be open to grow.

In the end, I guess all that matters is that you try to leave this place a little better than when you got here. To be part of something greater than just yourself.

The time is now.....it starts with your next choice.