Sunday, October 21, 2012

TRUST - a picture of self projection

I attended the wedding of my cousin last night and boy did she look beautiful. I was surrounded by family who really love me and look up to me in life. It was a wonderful evening filled with good memories! Humble people!

The evening came to a point where certain traditional activities were being done like the throwing of the bouquet, etc. I had a beautiful girl with me and it just happened that on a specific activity we shared the same heart, the same belief. She was placed on the spot by people, including my family, to partake in an activity that we both do not agree with. I stood up for her, and myself, and shared that she will not partake.

The answer of 'no' was not accepted and again and again she was asked and lightly pressured to partake. I stood on my answer and hers of 'no' and eventually they got on with the activity. Shortly after I was placed on the spot and the same process followed.

So the question and thought that stayed with me was 'why'? Why did they not accept my initial answer of 'no'. Does it mean that they do not respect me? Or maybe because they do not love me enough? Surely it can't be as these people do love me and look up to me in life. So what am I missing here?

Then this morning after some time with the Father it came to me so clearly!! It is all about TRUST!

No.....not that they do not trust that is the one thing about me that they do know....I can be trusted! What was causing them or motivating them to not accept the 'no' answer was a simple projection of their own personal state of trust....self-trust.

If your yes is not your yes in life, and your no is not your no.....then it is not possible for you to inspire trust and to accept the word of others either. It is so simple when the Lord said that you can only give what you have to give within yourself.

My friends who are trustworthy and solid people, when they say no or when I say no to something, there is no attempt to try and convince or persuade each other...because the answer was given and accepted and trusted.

It is a sad exercise but when I looked at some of those people whom I know well, it is exacly like that in their lives. They will change their minds and commitments they made as the situation changes etc. This reflect your level of trust so significantly.....and we don't even realise it!

So wake up people! Become aware of the commitments you make. Become aware of the promises you make. Become aware of what you say! And let your yes be your yes and your no be your no!!

You are worth it so start living it!

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