Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Take the time

We are so quick to do something or say something.
We are quick to say we do not have the time! When last did you say this to your child, your spouse, your friend or maybe someone at work.....I am sure not too long ago.

Have you ever though that the reason you do not have the 'time' because you did not truly take the time to presence yourself on your decision in the first place and the consequences is what is filling your time now.....having to deal with it....all of it!

Take the time just once today, and before you make an important decision, go and truly look at what is motivating you to make that decision. Why do you really want to make it....or why do you really not wish to make it. Presence yourself to that until it is so important that nothing will influence you to choose otherwise.

I guess that is what true commitment is all about.

Have you taken the time in your life, especially when it truly mattered?

I know that I have not at times....and at times still find myself afterward not having done it. In fact, I had myself yesterday dealing with the consequence of a emotional, not thought through decision I made.

Am I willing to learn?  - Still working on it....trying to presence myself to the importance of not dong it again!!!!

How just a few minutes of taking the time would have saved me sooooo much time and 'pain' today & tomorrow & possibly the day after that and also the next day and the one after that......!

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