Monday, September 27, 2010

Holding on or letting go

How often do we find ourselves in situations where we experience conflict or disagreements or some kind of issue and it just seems to repeat itself.

Not necessarily with the same person, not necessarily each week, yet when it does happen it is so frustrating and it drains so much energy out of you and affects your entire day....even other relationships during the rest of the week.

Aghhhh, if only these people will open their eyes and do things the way they should be!!!!!

Does that sound familiar? Have you ever thought about looking at your perspective? When last did you try to 'grow', look at new ways of doing things? The pace of change in today's world makes what worked today less and less relevant by next week. The scary thing is, when you are unwilling to grow, people loose trust in you. I know it sounds hard, but it is true. Those willing to grow are moving rapidly ahead and you are being left behind.

So you might find yourself trying to improve people's lives by the only way you know....and believe that it is the way....and you are good at it. It is trying to force-fit everything into whatever you're good at doing. As Abraham Maslow stated: 'He that is good with a hammer tends to think everything is a nail.'

Are you willing to let go and start growing?

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