Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Trust.....what now?

A while ago I went to see the Head of Department in a very large organization. The purpose was to see if they have any need for my services - which is to increase performance by focusing on character, trust, etc. - and also at the same time to get advice on what needs there currently are in these large private corporates.

My experience of the meeting was good. There was no need for my services, but a commitment was made to forward a couple of contacts to me and let me know about a possible intervention where I can support them.

I never heard anything so I followed up. A commitment was made on when he was going to send me the information. Yet, that day came and went...along with the same excuse as previously. A new commitment was made and again, that day came and went.

My question is, how does one go about this.......especially when you learn from this experience that your services, especially where trust is concerned, are so needed there. How do you go about this without upsetting the potential client and 'pissing' him off?

If this is my experience, how many others in his department and company is having the same experience? And what are the consequences?

Where in my life am I making commitments and fail to honor them? What are the unconscious consequences of this in my life?

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