Saturday, November 6, 2010

Courage or Judgment

The last week especially I have been reminded over and over about our lack of true love, acceptance and the concept of relationship.

We hold so strongly onto what we believe is right and what is good and we do this with the best of intentions. We are so good at this that we fool ourselves into thinking that we come from a place of love when we want to change someone to fit into our idea of what is right and good.

In essence or when in fact we are coming from a place of tremendous judgment!

Yet when we stand so firmly on what we believe to be right.....having to make the other person wrong so that you can be right....we think that we are being courageous in standing for what we believe. You end up being so proud of your courage and you are quick to surround yourself with similar thinking people to create a comfort zone for yourself.

Then months or years down the road you realise that you were just being right.....that it wasn't the only 'truth' out there and then regret hits home. Regret for all the relationships and lives you hurt in the process of being courageous.....where actually you were so deep in judgment!

My invitation to each and everyone out there is to stop before you say or act. Stop and look if it is even your place to say or act. Look where your words or actions are coming it motivated by love.....or just you being right? And are you in a place to throw the first stone?

Ogden Nash said that if you want love to keep brimming in a relationship, whenever you are wrong...admit it, and whenever you are right....shut up!

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