Monday, January 31, 2011

Being life!

Have you ever looked up to someone in your life? That one person whom you trust with so much and see them as your pillar of strength.

I am sure we all have and then just to realise at some point that they are also capable of making mistakes. That they are not perfect. And then we face the possibility of everything changing. We face loosing a relationship or embracing the realness of that person....allowing them to be human just as we are.

The reason that person was able to be this pillar of strength to you is the very result of that person having made many mistakes in his/her life before. The reason that person can support you with such compassion and connection is because that person have been there themself. And while they are there for you, they will still make mistakes which will help them to support others who one day will face the same challenge. The question to ask is, are they willing to acknowledge the mistake, take responsibility for it and learn from it?

Then make your choice, the one that will change your life and your relationship. Which ever choice you make, do know that there is no right and wrong here. It is simply the one that you need, allowing you to deal with the situation best.

Just always be real and live the life that allows you to wake up the next morning and embrace life, no matter how challenging it might be at times. As long as you learn and move forward.

"Do not confuse motion with progress!" - Alfred A Montapert

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