Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Strenght of Character

I have just been reminded again of the importance of being true to your character.

It is important to walk a healthy journey to establish a sound character first of all. For most people this journey in itself is something they avoid their entire life.....or most of it.

Why? Beacuse this will take them out of their comfort zone. The reality that they might loose 'friends'. Because it is convenient for them to ignore true character. The damage and hurt created because of this avoidance is great and leads to much sadness one day. That question "what if" that you will carry, and the wonder that goes with it.

So what is character? A sound character is based on goodness. It is based on the respect that God carries of you and for you. Because in the end only His opinion of good behavior is what is going to bring joy and love and this is what is going to matter and last eternally.

Yet when you have reached the point of establishing a sound character in your life, then living in line with it is even more important. The minute you start making choices that is not in line with your character, then you start to experience a strong sense of guilt. You start believing that you are not a good person anymore and a very unhealthy stone starts rolling down the hill.
Unless you act with courage and start making choices to re-align with your character, you will start loosing yourself and relationships around you will suffer and increase the guilt and sense of being a bad person. Which you are not, but you are simply acting out of character which creates this experience.

Have the courage today to make choices in line with your character, people know who you truly are and they miss you. They are waiting for the true you to return....because that person is stunning to be with!

The choice is yours.

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