Friday, January 21, 2011

Letting go.....

Just yesterday I was asked by a friend if it is possible to ever be satisfied in life. Or will there always be something more that you need, that you want?

When you get the house you wanted.....then you wish to have a bigger one or one with a swimming pool or three garages, etc.

Yes it is possible. When you get to the place where you are satisfied with who you are, then you can be satisfied with what you have in life when you have achieved your dream. However, what I did realise is what we do struggle with is "letting go".

Letting go of something or someone that we truly want, love and appreciate. Letting go requires you to completely give away all efforts (however conscious or unconscious) you are making to have some sort of control. To have an imput of some be present or thought of. Doing a favour just so that he/she will not forget you (has to think of you!).

Why is this so difficult, this letting go?

I know that I'm struggling letting go of someone at the moment because it is so damn hard believing that you will win her heart back......that she might return to you!! I so wish to convince her that I am the one, that I am worth being with, worth loving and the one that can and will make her happy.

Letting go is not about what you need, but what the other person needs to make relationship possible again.

It still is so damn hard. Experiencing loss is never is the dark unknown we fear....the feelings of hurt, rejection and loneliness. Everything comes to an end...and so will this unknown. Scary can only reach an end if it gets a start at some point.

Faith, hope and love.

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