Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are you living?

"We are most fully alive and living when we are in a loving relationship with someone." - Erwin Raphael McManus

The more you are being honest with yourself and looking at your reality, the more you realize just how true this statement is. We were created by the Greatest Love for love which exists only in relationship. It is a desire within us that we were created and born with, a desire that will keep on searching to be fulfilled until the day you are layed to rest.

We cannot live unaffected by love. We are most fully alive when we find it, most devastated when we lose it, most empty when we give up on it, most inhumane when we betray it, and most passionate when we pursue it! You were created for relationship. This is and always will be at the core of your being.

For us to be healthy, we need to be part of a relatinship greater than ourself. Independence is one thing; isolation is another.

So many people I know, and I included myself in this group till a few years ago, allow things around them to come between their heart and this greater love. We create attachments to things and other people thinking that it will fill this gap that only a true loving relationship can fill. Yet it keeps us from being open to recieve this love we are truly searching for.

And you will not rest until you find it. You will be lonely until you find it, being busy but lonely. Your search might have lead you to unhealthy places and unhealthy relationships.

It is even worse when you find yourself with someone in marriage or relationship, but you have allowed things to come between your hearts. What once was passion have now turned into passiveness. Loneliness.

Look at your life, what are you attached to that keeps you from being open to recieve and experience this love that you are unconsciously always searching for? The love that we all deserve to find.

You are worth it!! And there is a love out there or maybe next to you right now that can be blessed by your love.......a heart that was created to be fulfilled only by your love. Stir up that passion within yourself!!! Clean your life!! And start loving so you can start living!

Do it today!!!!! Cause tomorrow might never come.......

Monday, September 26, 2011

Being guided by Truthfulness

I attended a talk last night on the topic of 'truth'. It just reminded me of the blog I wrote last year on honesty, yet I was stirred so much deeper last night.

As I got home a friend called me for advice on a situation she is facing. If she is going to be upright and truthful about her feelings then she is going to hurt someone that loves her and that she cares about. She will also lose a picture perfect comfort zone. I refer to it as picture perfect, because we all know that the picture we look at or the picture we paint does not look the same as the true reality.

To grow within yourself or a relationship or a situation, you need to be upright and truthful in order face the reality.

"Things can only work towards any good when you operate upright and in the truth."

The minute you are not upright, truthful, sincere, completely honest and pure of heart then you open the door for all the bad, negative and destructive elements to enter. Then you allow your future, your joy, your relationships to be something that it was not supposed to be.

Then we start looking for other explanations just to make us feel better or look better. We have even created this 'list' of godly justifications of when it is right and better not to be upright and truthful. I mean what crap is that!!! Just to make us look and feel better about being fake.

For you to be a strong and confident person, someone who can enjoy the fulness of life and love, you need to walk upright and in the truth...always. The minute you don't, you are your own curse preventing goodness in your life.

Well knowing this and really getting it.....was and is enought reason and motivation for me to always, regardless of the cost, be upright and truthful. Because I am worth it! You are worth it!!

"Blessed are the pure in heart!" - Matt 5:8
"Let your yes be your yes, and your no be your no....for whatever is more than this is from the evil one" - Matt 5:37

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Accepting a little swallow

My shower is in my loft and next to the shower is a little window. I always leave this window open for fresh air. Just recently a little swallow decided to make this his safe and convenient drinking spot. He would sit on the window......pop into the shower and sit on the shower head drinking the drops of water.

Initially I thought this was beautiful and enjoyed it. I made a point not to leave the window opening too small. Then one morning there was bird poo in my shower. I did not think much of it as it did not happen before and is most probably a once off. The next day it was there again.....and not just in the shower, but on my cycling shorts that I hang beneath the window to dry. Ugghhhhh!! I did not like that and decided that this is enough, I am closing the window after each shower.

Guess what, no more bird poo!!! After a few days I started to miss the beautiful little swallow. I remember sitting in the loft working and the swallow would be so tame it would pop into the shower while I was there working.....then sitting on the window and sing. I missed the little swallow. After a few more days of not being able to forget the little bird I sat down and had a meeting with myself. I realised that everything that is close to your heart comes with a little bit of poo. The question is if I can do anything to keep my heart happy and do something for the poo not to affect me negatively. For the joy which that something places in my heart to be greater than the feeling the poo might give me causing me to push that something away.

So I openend the window and just moved my cycling shorts to dry at a different spot. I got in the shower and each time expected the poo to be there.....when it was it was no surprise and I just washed it off with a smile on my heart....when it was not there I seemed to miss the swallow even more.

Which person do you have in your life that you know you love.....and that some little poo caused your feelings to push that person away? That some little poo causes you to miss that person and you are holding onto that feeling the poo gave you? Is the poo that big? (hahahahhaa, no pun intended) And can you actually do something about the might change or he might change or you both could change?

The taste of regret is greater/worse than the smell of the poo!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Power of Words

I have just been reminded the last few weeks of how powerful words are. What scared me mostly was to realise how easy we use words without first truly contemplating the impact and commitment of them.

Yes we say that something is important to us, yet your actions do not align with what you said. You call someone your friend, but did you take the time to think about this person and whether it will be good for you and possible for you to live out the true and full meaning of friendship towards this person?

Which brings me to the essence of what is on my heart. Do we truly understand the fullness of the words we use? And if so, are you able to and willing to and committed enough to action those words? The reason why I am emphasising this is because it has a direct impact on your character, the trust you establish with people and with yourself.

The most powerful of words that we need to give a hard think about before we use them are:
  • yes & no
  • friend
  • love
Just saying these words has no power, but it gives birth to a commitment and expectation. It creates a platform on which your trustworthiness will be judged along with your character and integrity.
It is your actions being in line with the fullness of these words that will give God the ability to move on your behalf in any issue you are facing. Only through you taking action is God able to help you achieve the success and victory you are after. With you just saying 'please help me with this Lord' and then you do not take the necessary action to achieve it, will leave you stuck where you are!

So there might be "friends" that are not good for you and your future that you need to let go of. There might be people you said you loved and need to take that back and ask for forgiveness. There might be things you said yes to and need to correct your commitment and ask for forgiveness.

So think wisely before you call someone your friend. Think wisely before you say yes. Think wisely before you tell someone that you love them.

We all make mistakes......and we all have the final choice in what your future here on earth will look like. So choose well and do not hesitate to ask for sound advice.

"The person who asks is a fool for five minutes. The person who does not ask is a fool for a lifetime!"   - Chinese Proverb