Monday, September 26, 2011

Being guided by Truthfulness

I attended a talk last night on the topic of 'truth'. It just reminded me of the blog I wrote last year on honesty, yet I was stirred so much deeper last night.

As I got home a friend called me for advice on a situation she is facing. If she is going to be upright and truthful about her feelings then she is going to hurt someone that loves her and that she cares about. She will also lose a picture perfect comfort zone. I refer to it as picture perfect, because we all know that the picture we look at or the picture we paint does not look the same as the true reality.

To grow within yourself or a relationship or a situation, you need to be upright and truthful in order face the reality.

"Things can only work towards any good when you operate upright and in the truth."

The minute you are not upright, truthful, sincere, completely honest and pure of heart then you open the door for all the bad, negative and destructive elements to enter. Then you allow your future, your joy, your relationships to be something that it was not supposed to be.

Then we start looking for other explanations just to make us feel better or look better. We have even created this 'list' of godly justifications of when it is right and better not to be upright and truthful. I mean what crap is that!!! Just to make us look and feel better about being fake.

For you to be a strong and confident person, someone who can enjoy the fulness of life and love, you need to walk upright and in the truth...always. The minute you don't, you are your own curse preventing goodness in your life.

Well knowing this and really getting it.....was and is enought reason and motivation for me to always, regardless of the cost, be upright and truthful. Because I am worth it! You are worth it!!

"Blessed are the pure in heart!" - Matt 5:8
"Let your yes be your yes, and your no be your no....for whatever is more than this is from the evil one" - Matt 5:37

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