Monday, October 3, 2011

Part 2 - Righteousness

You will notice that each 'tool' that I share with you is not just a good intention, but a daily action. It is part of your daily living. It is not just something you pray about.....or ask God for....or a right standing with God. No, it is a way of daily living....daily actions.

In every choice or action you make you consciously or unconsciously either choose to resist the devil or you choose to resist the Holy Spirit. You open the door for one to use you as a instrument to achieve their goals. To create life in abundance with love or to destroy, kill or steal life and relationships.

So what is righteousness? 
  • to do what is ethically right
  • to do what is morally right
  • to practice Good Will (always)
The opposite would be to:
  • to be unfair
  • to ignore someone
  • silent treatment
  • sarcasm
  • immoral
  • sin (destructive behaviour)
When you practice any form of destructive behaviour you are opening the door for the devil to use you as a instrument for his works. You might be born again, a child of God.....but that does not prevent you from being a instrument for the devil through poor choices, unrighteous behaviour (consciously of unconsciously).

Psalm 15:1,2 "Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your hily hill? He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart."
Psalm 34:15 "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. The face of the Lord is against those who do evil...."

Where in your life are you practicing in behaviour that is not good? In behaviour that is destructive to yourself and relationships?

You know these things and areas! Yet we are so quick to be a child of God where and when it suits us. And then we expect God to answer our prayers? You are either committed or you are not.

How often do we use the excuse, "Well this is who I am" or "I did not have a choice" or "She made me do it!".......and inside you know that the behaviour is destructive to your relationship. You are opening a door for the devil to destroy what is and can be beautiful. How sincere is your relationship with God then....if you are not willing to change, to grow closer to God and be more like Jesus?

Lets look at some destuctive bevahiour from scriptures:
 - murder                             - theft                                 - sexual abuse
 - unfairness                         - substance abuse               - slander
 - false testimonies                - bribing                             - manipulation
 - verbal abuse                      - obesity                            - recklessness
 - pornography                      - anger outburst                 - jealousy
 - stubbornness                     - greed                               - drunkenness

So if you want your marriage to work or to be healed then you need to start walking in righteousness. If you want to let God's will be done in your have to walk in righteousness. Then you need to abstain from these destructive behaviours. Choose!!!!

If you want to pray with confidence.....if you want to hear from need to choose to practice in good will. So are you willing to change? Or do you choose to stay who you are.........

Insanity is hoping for a different outcome but still doing the same thing!!!!

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