Monday, October 3, 2011

Part 1 - The TRUTH

The two most important questions:
Do you believe God exists?
Do you believe the devil exists?

If you answered "yes" to both these questions, and you truly believe it with your whole heart, then get this scripture in your heart. John 10:10 "The devil have come to kill, steal and to destroy. Yet I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly."

We are all part of a greater story. We are all being faught over, we are wanted! It is like a game of chess. There are rules in places that cannot be broken, rules that determine the reality and consequences. And once you have made your choice....your move, then there will be consequences. You are not in control of your opponents (the devil) moves, but if you grow in strength you will be able to make better moves (choices), win more battles and be victorious. How do I grow in strength? By getting to know the rules of the game better and better and become wiser.

The devil will make a move to tempt you.......and if you are not wise enough, if you don't know the rules that well, you will fall for the temptation and become vulnerable.

One of the rules that you can use to protect yourself is TRUTH.

Why is this so important? God clearly stated that He can only operate in the truth. The areas in our lives where we do not walk truthfully, we are on our own. We resist God's help in those areas cause He cannot function there and worst of all, we then open the door for the devil to operate.
Psalm 145:18 "The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth."
John 8:44
Matt 5:8 "Blessed are they who walk in the truth, for they shall hear from God."
Matt 5:37
1 Pet 3:10 "He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit."

So what is TRUTH?
  • being honest
  • having good intentions
  • being sincere
  • being upright (not telling halve a truth)
  • pure of heart
When you lied and keep it from someone you open the door for distrust to enter. The devil then uses this broken trust to seperate a relationship. If you made a commitment (you said yes) and you then try to avoid that person because you feel bad you are not being upright. You then open the door for distrust and jealousy which the devil will use to destroy that relationship.
There is no point asking God for help as long as you are still operating in this area of untruthfulness. You need to ask God for forgiveness, and then repent by being truthful to the other person and then you can ask and trust God to help. By doing this you resist the devil cause he can't operate in the truth.

Yes there will be consequences, but at least you can then be on your knees in prayer before God with confidence knowing that He can and will help you.
James 5:16 "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed."

If you want to be trusted.
If you want God to hear and answer your prayers.
If you want to be able to hear from God.
If you want a happy relationship/marriage.
If you want to experience the fullness of joy and happiness.

.............then you have to walk in the truth always. Is this important enough for you?

Have a look, are you truthful in these areas of your life:
 - Career/Work
 - Marriage/ Relationship
 - Parenting
 - Financial Management
 - Friendships

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