Monday, November 12, 2012

Choices of judgement

Paul once wrote in the book of Galatians before he was about to make a statement that what he is about to say is his words....not necessarily God's words. So what I am about to say now is my words as they were not divinely placed on my heart by God and I will share why I say this.

We all know the following two quotes:
"Knowledge is power."
"Don't promise when you are happy. Do not reply when you are angry and do not decide when you are sad!"

I am going to speak about the first quote and in a way choose to ignore the second.

Knowledge is power and yet the opposite is also true and unfortunately more apt in our society today: "A little knowledge is dangerous!"

For some reason in society today, and I include myself in this for making the mistake in the past on many occasions, people are quick to make decisions and choices based on little or second hand information. And when things do not turn out the way they expected they are quick to point the finger and blame someone else for giving them false information.

So my question really is, 'Who are you spending time with or choosing not to spend time with based on second hand information, based on something (a story or opinion) that someone else told you that maybe they again even heard from someone else?'

'What feelings or thoughts are you having towards someone or something based on second hand knowledge?'

I met a stunning girl a while ago and in a conversation with two church leaders it came out that they know her well...according to them. So they said if I am keen on this girl and want to get to know her then I must speak to someone in their church who knows her very well. My answer was NO, I want to get to know her for who she is towards They were taken back by my answer....and praise the Lord for an awesome example He just placed on my heart to explain this.
If you were to speak with someone who knew Paul in his previous life as a Christian persecutor, and you based your feelings and choices on that alone, then you would miss out on some of the greatest books in the Bible and teachings of Jesus. Maybe your life today is changed because of these books Paul wrote!

So where is your life empty or not whole because of little knowledge?

Why have we become so weary and afraid even to ask people questions and get to know their hearts, who they truly are today?

As you might pick up my words are driven by a bit of disappointment and maybe some sadness even. I choose to ignore the second quote as these words might be driven by a bit of anger even or frustration.

Why do I think these are my words and not from God? James 1:19-20 says 'Understand this my brothers, let every man be quick to hear and slow to speak, slow to get angry and take offense. For man's anger does not promote the righteousness of God.'

I believe that in this very scripture lies the answer as well to why we are afraid or weary to ask people questions. We are quick to get angry, quick to speak and quick to defend over mistakes we made in the past or poor behaviour we are currently walking in. So to avoid this, to 'keep' the friendship in place or peace, we keep quiet and we get caught up in gossip! We choose to ignore the person and with time the friendship or person becomes a distant memory.

Well to be honest, what friendship is that really? What peace do you truly have then?

The world and all that is good within it have been created by Truth, by Love, by God. So anything in life that does not spring forth from this has no chance of true peace, joy, compassion, forgiveness and all the fruits of the Spirit we are so in search of!

If you are in search of these fruits.....then start asking the questions, but ask them from a place in your heart where you are bearing the fruits of the Spirit!

So go real.....choose wisely.....and be a friend. The actions of people after you have asked the questions will show who they truly are, it will tell you all you need to know.

You are worth it!!

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