Monday, November 26, 2012

The Importance of Clarity

From birth it is our natural instinct to move forward in life, to achieve something and get what we need. I place emphasis on the word 'need', because as life goes on that word seems to get replaced by what we 'want' more often than not. But that is a topic all on its own regarding selfishness which we will not divulge into right now.

This natural desire to achieve stems from what I believe is a soul of accomplishment which we were created with. To put it simply, the moment you accomplish something in life you always experience this awesome sense of accomplishment! It is a moment filled with joy and excitement to say the least. We feel alive!!

Yet when we stop to accomplish things in life, our soul starts to die. You start to loose your sense of worth in this life as you just cope from day to day. This slow and unconscious journey leads to you becoming more and more might start to withdraw....and depression awaits along the way.

Experiencing this sense of accomplishment becomes a vital part of our lives, yet some times we are so busy and try so hard without getting to experience that sense of accomplishment. Why is that?


Reading through the Bible and spending time with people who have achieved a lot in life I have come to realise that they are so specific in their actions. They have absolute clarity in what they want and how to go about getting it done.

The power in clarity is that it makes everything you do measurable. Measurability helps you to KNOW if what you are busy with is working or not, whether it is getting you closer to accomplishing what you are after or not.

If you can't measure something then it is almost impossible for you to move forward in life. You might end up going around in circles and getting frustrated by making the same mistakes over and over or having the same unwanted experiences in life over and over.

So what prevents us from getting clarity? Responsibility & Accountability

The minute you have absolute clarity on any situation in life it becomes known to all who's responsibility what is and you can be held accountable! This unconsciously brings the possible fear of failure to the fore again and your strength in character. The fear of rejection joins the party as well.

By asking the questions we can achieve clarity in life. By asking questions is the only way in which we can achieve clarity!

So if you want to be happy, if you want to be successful in life....then you need to start asking questions and also allow others to ask you questions without allowing your ego to prevent you from achieving clarity.

Without clarity it is not possible to establish trust either....and trust is the core of everything. When you are absolutely clear about naturally trust it! Remove clarity on any part of a process and trust gets replaced by wishful hope.

Start asking the questions, start building on trust and start living the life you were created to have!

You are worth it!!

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