Sunday, May 19, 2013

Standing Strong

I just recently made a mistake which I have managed to avoid doing for the last 6 years of my life. The impact of this mistake was just so profound that it really emphasised the importance of that insight in life.

I am so blessed that on that same day I received the following Word in my quiet time, 1 Peter 2:11-12.
"Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles..."

I made a double booking by mistake and both commitments was important to both parties, thus leaving one party being very disappointed in me. It was a honest mistake, but a mistake none the less.

My relationship with that party will heal and be strong again, yet the great impact was the damage that my soul experienced. I felt weak. The strength of my character which is built and founded on trust was wounded. My word was now being questioned and I was left with a sense of vulnerability. 

The scripture made so much sense to me. The minute we get involved with any form of sin (that which is contrary to the truth) our soul suffers and gets wounded. It is our very soul (mind, will, emotions) that determine the person that others experience and that we live with daily. If your soul is not healthy, nothing in your life can and will be healthy either. 

Your sense of self-worth and self esteem will suffer and it will be impossible for you to inspire a sense of trust. You often find yourself having to convince people and justifying your actions where in truth you are just trying to convince yourself, trying to make yourself feel better.

So where are you making commitments that you fail to honor?
Telling your children you will play with them or help them with something....and fail to do so without them having to remind you and question you time and time again?
Failing to honor a meeting you had with a friend or colleague?

Where are you being deceitful and or telling lies?
Doing something nice or a favour for your wife in the hope that when you ask her a question later that she would agree.
Saying you did what you were asked to do...just to then rush and get it done before anyone notice.

Yet you can build your strength today...this very moment you can start to change your life by the choices you make. 

So choose to be trustworthy. Choose to be honorable. Choose to be a person that you are proud of and you can guard your soul and stand strong when you are tested.

You are worth it!


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