Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Picture of You

We are all familiar with the saying about you looking into the mirror and wondering if you like what you see.

Sometimes this was said to you by someone you disappointed and they shared that saying with you in the hope that you will change your mind or hoping that you will feel bad. Others may have said this to inspire or motivate you with the decision you are about to make in life.

However when you do find yourself all by yourself looking into that mirror, what do you see? Who do you see?

I am focusing on the YOU aspect now as in the next message we will touch on the bigger picture.

So what is the picture you see of yourself?

I have made some mistakes in my life, some bigger than others, but enough to present a real tainted picture that you do not wish to display at any gallery. Time allows us to learn from mistakes, to make different choices and become a better person. So instead of just that one tainted picture you can provide a sequence of pictures over time that will inspire and move people.

Over the weekend I was touched by the Lord on this topic as He asked me what I see? This morning I received the following scripture 1 John 1:9 which reads: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

The powerful thing to grasp here is that when you do ask for forgiveness, then God not only forgives you but He also forgets! In other words the picture He sees has completely transformed!

And you need to get this....the picture He sees has completely transformed!!

Yet you struggle to accept this new untainted and holy picture of yourself . You struggle to accept that you are worth it, to let go of that intense emotional feeling of disgust, disappointment and guilt that sin carries with it.
You spend time with people who remind you of those sins, people who keep putting that tainted picture in front of your face.

While you hold onto that tainted picture you keep yourself from living in the victory God has for you and the peace that He wishes you to live in. You keep that beautiful and untainted picture from people around you that will inspire them and touch their lives....and change your own experience of life!

So what is blinding you? Who is keeping you blinded?

What spots on that tainted picture you are looking at is causing you to find solace in dark corners, being ashamed to step into the light?

1 John 2:28 "And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming."

The minute you take action, by asking forgiveness, by looking at the new picture, and by spending time with people who celebrate your light, you will regain and grow in confidence!

So may you see yourself through the eyes of God and may the light shine in you!

You are worth it! 

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