Thursday, August 7, 2014

Leadership and the consequences of Change

The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change ” ― Heraclitus.

We have all heard this quote and most of us have used it at some point. I can recall a few times in life when I used it just to sound smart, trying to impress people :)  And then recently I used it because it was very apt in my own life. It is easy to throw smart quotes around when it is not your life being impacted, when you are removed from the intense and real emotions experienced by the person in the middle. Like the man in the arena who knows that people are watching, who can feel people expecting what they think to be the right thing to do...the easy critic from the sideline.

Yet when something important to you gets taken away, when it is lost and your sense of safety is threatened, then you are faced with what we call 'change'.

It is at this point that 'change' really gets your attention. 

It might be the first month that you or your department/team under performed. It might be the 3rd of 4th month in a row and the concern triggers a reaction...questions are being asked. The marketing plan that sounded spectacular three months ago is not working and, looking at it today, the reasons are obvious. Questions are being asked.
It might be the first test your child failed and she was so successful with the curriculum that was used the previous year...or the first report from school on poor behavior. Questions are being asked.
You didn't properly close the freezer door last night and this morning the kitchen floor is soaked, even worse all the meat have defrosted! How will your spouse react...when the question gets asked? The electricity in your home have been changed to 'pay as you go' and without noticing, 3 o'clock this morning the power in your house goes off. Late for work, late for school.....questions are being asked.

Change is happening faster in our world today than ever before. We are having to deal with so many changes taking place in our business, personal, social and spiritual worlds. My grandparents maybe had to deal with only a hand full of major changes in their business space during their life time. We are having to deal with a hand full of changes almost every year at the moment. Technology, to economics, politics and media to name a few.

Where does leadership fit into all of this? 

Let's get real perspective here. As a husband you are supposed to be a leader in your marriage. As a father the leader in your family, the minute one person answers to you then you have stepped into a leadership position at work.

People look up to a leader for safety, for guidance and support, for compassion and direction, for inspiration and perspective. Leaders NEED to inspire TRUST. With change being constant and more major changes being part of our reality in all areas of life, one question is taking its place and  becoming more relevant today than ever before:

As a leader, how do you deal with change...can your response to change, especially major changes, be trusted? Are you constant in your response to change?

When people around you get anxious or displaced with a change event, are you emotionally and verbally steady and approachable? When you respond to the change event, do people take note and respect or do the eyes start rolling in disrespect and maybe people scatter to get out of the firing line? 

Start to ignite more positive responses from people around you when change happens. Invest in the way you respond to changes taking place, invest in your character. Mentoring has become one of the most important leadership support structures in the world today.

BE REAL about your life and the change that is inevitable because the consequences are real.

You are worth it!

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