Monday, October 27, 2014

The Power of Being Grateful

I am once again reminded of the power that our emotions have in life. But to be perfectly honest and real about it, an emotion is just that, an emotion. It has absolutely no power until we focus on it and make that emotion a reality in our life. 

There are more than enough experiences and events in one day to drive our thinking and speaking into negative it in our head or with people over a cup of coffee. Driving to work first thing in the morning you are bombarded with newspaper headlines on the lamp posts with one disturbing or upsetting story after the other. Not to mention the taxis and cars that undercut you or sit on the back of your car so that you can almost see the breakfast they had!

All of this and your day have not even started at work with challenges you will face there. Did I mention you got up at home with your spouse being unhappy because you left the kitchen messy or spilled some coffee on your way out? Of course your child struggled to get up and the 15 minutes of nagging started to get you frustrated and maybe an angry word slipped out which left your daughter in tears.

Emotions are simply the most powerful energy that sits behind every decision you make in life...

That is why I can share with all the conviction within me to encourage you to shift your focus when you feel down. Evoke a positive emotion that will change the course of your day. How do you do this? Focus on someone or something that you are deeply grateful for. Take just a few minutes and shut yourself off from all the 'noise' around you that distracts you...and focus on just one thing or one person that you are truly and deeply grateful for. In that process you will feel the negative energy disappear and replaced by joy. Enjoy that thought and bask in that emotion for a while....let it sink in. Then kick that negative emotion's butt by taking action....pick up the phone and call that person whom you are grateful for and share it with them. Even more powerful, share it in person if you can!

That real moment of sharing your gratefulness will have such a powerful positive impact on the rest of your day and in the life of the other person.

So take a moment....make that call...and let the power of being grateful change your life and that of someone else today.

You are worth it!

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