Monday, November 3, 2014

And there it is....

I have come to experience in my own personal and corporate life just as much I have seen it and experienced it with my clients that the ability to live in the moment of now...actual one of the hardest things to accomplish in life.

The other two options that for some reason we find more compelling and a lot easier to spend most of our time in is the past or the future. Scary thing is that both of these are not real anymore or real yet.

Lets look at the future as this is where we are moving towards in life. There are two options in terms of action you can partake in. Either you will be planning productively or you will be in a negative state just worrying about the future. The former of these two are obviously where we want to find ourselves being involved in. Most important to plan realistically, to set action goals that you have the character and competence for and you know you are passionate about. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure and the worry will eventually set in as you fail to accomplish these tasks.

Which bring us to worry. We have all heard it and know that to worry about something will not make any difference, no positive difference anyway. To be real about it, spending time worrying is one of the most damaging habits you can fall into. The moment you start to worry about something, which has not happened and might not happen at all, negative and destructive emotions fill your mind. The intensity just get greater and greater and the story lines you create just get more and more. Apart from the state of anxiety and or depression it creates in you, you harm relationships around you for no real and good purpose at all.

And then....well, and there it is!

What is going to happen will happen, it might be what you worried about or some form of it, or something completely different. And guess what, to worry about it now, with the obvious statement of 'see I told you so...I knew this will happen' is not going to change anything and certainly will not help your reality right now or going forward.

You will find yourself in one of two places each time you experience something in life. You will either see and experience something as a PROBLEM or as an OPPORTUNITY. 

What then? Well, back to positive planning and staying in what is real. Keep going and keep growing!

So the past is pretty much the same negative state as to worry about the future, because when you stroll around in the past you simply replace worry with regret and or guilt.

It is awesome to remember something from the past in order to learn from certain events while you make effective plans for the future, but not to get stuck there with regret or guilt or blaming others.

What are you passionate about?
What are you busy with?

It is okay if you do not have it all figured out perfectly from the start...just make a start and the rest will fall into place over time as certain doors will close and some will open. Just stay focused on what you are passionate about and enjoy what you do.

Enjoy who you are worth it!!! 

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