Monday, August 30, 2010

Your life story

I read a book a while ago and flipped through some of the pages over the weekend in which one question grabbed my attention.

'What story are you living?'

In otherwords, if someone was to follow my life with a camera and the world is watching, will I be proud of what they see? And what role am I playing in that story?

I just became so aware of my every moment in life......does each moment serve me or others....and does it serve well?

Are you willing to look at your story.....if you have one at all?


  1. I realised how up to 2 years ago I had no story I was committed to.....and the one I was living unconsciously up till then was not a good story at all!

    Certainly not a bed time story I wish to tell my kids or share with my wife on a romantic evening on the sofa, glass of wine and fire going.

    Thank the Lord for second chances.....

  2. And if you are married, what role are you creating for your wife to play?

    If you have children, what role are you creating for them to play?

    Or do they all have to choose some other story for themselves in which they have a role to play cause you have no story for them?

    Do yourselves a favour and read: A million miles in a thousand Donal Miller
