Sunday, October 9, 2011

Creating the future you want

Have you realised how when you speak to people about what they want in life....they almost start to talk as if they fantasize about what they are talking about. Like it is never going to happen. Or most people when you ask them what they want.....they can't even give you an answer!

Yet when you start talking about the things you do not want....oh boy do we get assertive! I tell you then people talk with certainty and tell you exactly what they do not want and give you examples of when it happened and how they will react when this might happen in the near future with a specific situation....almost as if they expect it to happen again.

Why is this so? Why is it easier for us to believe in the negative to happen rather than the possitive? And why has it become more comfortable to talk about the negative.....more accepted even!!

Is it possible that things are more negative because we speak more negative?

What would happen if we start talking more positive and hold onto these positive thoughts and beliefs? Most of us will not know cause we try it for a little while but are not able to endure. The minute or moment we see something that resembles the negative we would say that we knew it was not possible and we give up.

My invitation to all of you this month is to refrain from negative speaking. Start to speak life into every situation you come across and every healthy relationship you are in. Speak it and endure for this month and lets see what happends. Don't grab onto the shadows which will come and try to make you stumble. Stand on the good and positive thoughts and words.....and keep standing!

You are worth it!!!!

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