Monday, October 24, 2011

Don't be defeated!

In 1597 Sir Francis Bacon stated that knowledge is power. Yet many people believe that when Thomas Hobbes wrote scientia est potentia in his work De Homine in 1658 that it laid the foundation for our tendency and belief that "knowledge is power"!

I agree that there is a measure of truth to this, but in it's individual capacity it has no power and at times does more harm than good.

Knowledge on it's own has no power, yet when someone takes action on good knowledge it becomes powerful. This applies to anything in life.

Having all the knowledge of medicine is no good, but when someone applies this knowledge people get healed. Knowing that you love someone makes no difference, but when you share it with that person life changes. Knowing of a problem someone faces leaves them stuck, but when you talk to them about it their situation can change. Having all the knowledge of aviation means nothing, but when someone applied it it allowed me to visit friends in the UK within 12 hours. Having all the knowledge of God and the Bible does not save your life or make you a good person, but acting on the Word inspires love.

So many of us in so many areas of our life got stuck on gaining knowledge. We read books, attend seminars and study various courses just to gain more knowledge. It creates a false sense of 'growth' or development in our lives, that we are doing something to change. It gives us a great excuse for staying who and where we are. It makes us feel better! So when we talk to someone we can talk with great knowledge and sound clever, even throw a awesome quote or two into the conversation or post it on our emails or Facebook.

Yet the questions is: Are you actually willing to take action on the knowledge you gain?

If not, you will simply remain a defeated genius in that area of your life. Knowledge without action is a passive state of living.....and the years just roll by. It eats away at your soul and you end up alone. With many people who care for you, but alone in life when the light go off at night.

Whatever is keeping you from taking action is a lie and not worth pondering a thought on. Take action today and if you are scared, it is okay! Find someone you trust to support and encourage you. We all need someone we can trust. You, your life and your future and happiness is worth it! We all deserve it, so go for it!

Like the bumble bee who scientifically cannot fly. The bee did not read that article and chooses to fly anyway, giving himself a chance at he takes action every day, flaps his wings and flies.

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