Thursday, October 13, 2011

Root(s) to success

Over the years I have supported and guided many people in their life journey. Be it in business, relationships or hobbies the core or root of their success is all the same.

Clarity, Honesty, Being Upright.

These are the three things that we struggle with most in life and end up getting exactly or causing exactly the opposite of what we intended or wanted.

What motivates us not to live by these three roots is fear.

We are scared that if we are honest we will hurt someone or lose them. That we will not get the contract or the client will not like you.
We are scared that if we are going to be upright about our motives that the other person will not want to spend time with us or think less of us. That we will realise that what truly motivates us is not good or even a lie and that it will hurt us.
We are scared that if we create clarity on our circumstances it will push others away or even leave us to face the reality that our circumstances are not what we dreamed of.

When in actual fact the opposite is true. That by being honest, upright and clear about your life and feelings and actions you are inspiring trust and respect! You are giving the people around you the opportunity to know where they stand and make sound decisions. You are giving yourself the opportunity to live life successfully with no regrets, guilt or sorrow and misguided beliefs.

I wish you all the courage to live life successfully, to be honest, upright and clear! ALWAYS!!

"Blessed are the pure and truthful in heart for they shall see God." Matt 5:8
"He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart will dwell in My holiness." Ps 15: 1,2

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