Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The time is now

Two years ago I was in an accident where God saved my life, medically they can’t explain how I am alive today. I was on my mountain bike and took a great fall. Just about 40m ahead of me was a turn I intended to take, yet I never made it.

A while after my recovery the Lord laid it on my heart how I intended to take that turn and never made it. He showed me how this reflects in our lives, just how many times God will bring something to our attention, or a friend shares wisdom and we are quick to ignore it.....to say ‘maybe later’. Yet chances are that we never get to that ‘later’ we always accept will just be there. Just like I never reached that turn in the road. Just like you are reading this now and saying: "yeah whatever".

I had the most wonderful week of my life recently, yet at the same time the greatest heartache. God brought something to my attention during this great week, yet I ignored it and said, ‘oh well, I know but maybe next time!’ Well it ended with me never getting that next time.
And the sad part with not paying instant attention to something that God brings to your awareness, is that it not only impacts your life but also that of others. In this case someone that was so dear to my heart. And I hurt her greatly.
I know it takes two to tango as they say, but I have to take responsibility for my actions and choices and not point the finger.

So my question is, where in my life....where in your life has God tried to get your attention and you are choosing to rather ignore it. We say maybe next time just because the choice we have to make does not suit us, does not feel nice or convenient in that moment.

Well the consequences are and always will be far more inconvenient. So live each moment in a way that you are proud of. In a way that people you care about will be proud of. In a way that God will always be proud of.

You have this one life, this one moment!

Oh how one moment of ignorance can cause a lifetime of sorrow? I pray that you open your eyes and open your heart to hear from God and listen.....and obey now, in that moment. Not later, for later may never be there. Not next time as it may never come.

I wish you courage, I wish you the strength and I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. You are worth it!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

True purpose?

Have you ever met someone and after a while you wonder what the purpose was? Especially if that person had a profound impact on your life, good or bad.

I for one have been there a few times. The ones that turned out good is easy to handle and we are greatful. Yet when things don't turn out that well, we are left with scars and questions. We are quick to look towards that person to blame them just to make us feel better. This however leaves us unchanged and no better off at all, just stuck where we have always been in that area of our life.

The scary reality is that in time you will find yourself there again as a result of YOU not having grown. Be it in your finances, relationships, love, work or hobbies. Every now and then someone will cross your path just to open your eyes, but if you are not willing to change.....you will just push that person away and keep on your path. And that path will just stay the same with the same outcomes untill you eventually choose to take another path.

Taking that other path is not easy because it will change your life. You will loose 'friends', and you will make new ones. You will have people reject you, tell you how stupid you are and what big mistake you are making. And going through that is tough cause it was your comfort zone for so long.

But your life and your future is in your hands. And if you truly want what is good then you are going to have to face these challenges. But I can guarantee you that there are people out there who want what is best for you and will support you through these times, cause they were there as well at some point.

Nothing will change without changes taking place!

The goodness and Godly truth in life will not change, no matter how you justify your actions just to avoid change. If you are honest with yourself, those people (friends) who you might loose, are their lives the one that you want? I bet you not. The one thing that I have learned is to not take advice from people regarding a given situation if their lives are not what you want in that situation. If someone is bad with finances....don't take their advice. If your friend has a relationship or marriage that you don't want, do not lend your ear to them. That is foolish and will keep you bound to that very place you are.

What does the Truth say on your sitaution? What does God say, how does He feel about your actions? That should be your measure, nothing else. Then my wish is that you have the courage and strength to act in line and hold on! Cause in the end, only you will know....you will gain.....or you will loose the very thing that you are after....that joy and happiness and love and peace.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Seeing is believing!

So many times I have found myself talking to people, sharing wisdom and insights, just to find myself talking to.....well, myself!

We have all heard the saying that talk is cheap. Well on the one hand it is cheap because it is so much easier to talk than it is to act in line with what you are talking about. Yet on the other hand talk is not cheap, it is bloody expensive!

It can cost you your integrity, your trust, your self-esteem and your self-belief. It can cost you your job, your business and your face value in the business world. It can cost you your most prized relationships, your marriage, your friends and your children. And worst of all, it can cost you your name!

Just the past week I caught myself in a situation where my actions was not in line with my character. And it is so easy to justify these actions just to make myself feel better. But justifying it does not change the truth.

Fortunately one can restore your word, your trust. By being honest and open to yourself first of all it becomes possible to be open and honest with others involved and thereby starting to act in line with what you are saying to then start restoring your character.

We all make mistakes. A friend and previous boss of mine once shared something so powerful with me. I made a big mistake and kept it hidden for some time. Then one day I went to him and with all truth and honesty shared this mistake. He then told me that it is not what I did back then......but what I did now that proves what person I am. It blew me away and motivated me so much more to keep walking in line with my word and in all truth and honesty.

Where in your life are you not walking in line with your word? Where does your actions not ressemble what you are saying? Chances are that in these very areas you are experiencing difficulties.

Make the choice today to turn your life around and start the journey towards the future that you are dreaming of. You have the ability, we all have the ability within us to let others see (experience) what we believe and therefore become empowered in our lives.

Go for it....take the step and let tomorrow be different. You've got what it takes in you!

You are worth it!