Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Honestly.....is this real?

We hear the words integrity, authenticity and commitment used so much and thrown around today like eating Rice Crispies.....snap, crackle and pop.....and we hope things will change!

I am the first to put my hand in the air out of guilt here. I am talking about being a true and honest child of God. Not just a Christian as that word is used by many for the comfort it brings and the fake life that actually represents it in their own life.

Yes we all make mistakes, but there is a big difference between a honest mistake and knowing that you are doing something that is not good or just plain wrong.....and then still doing it! If I am married, there is a couple of things that you know is not good to do or say...things that will make that marriage fake. Like cheating on your spouse.....abusing that person....being involved with porn....flirting with others.....etc.

This is the same with saying that we are a Christian.....or I prefer saying that I am a child of God. Do you really know what it means to be a child of God? That commitment or decision you make to be in relationship with God?

Yet we are so quick to justify our 'sinful' or poor choices by saying that 'we are just human', or 'that is just who I am', and 'I don't want to judge them', even 'what friend would I be if I say no'.

So how real are you willing to be as a person? How true are you willing to be in your relationship with a God that loves you so much!!!!! A God that every moment of every day is placing His heart on the table for you in hope of love.....and with the risk to be rejected by you in a moment of knowing selfishness of sin. Yet He loves you so much He just comes back for more.....He is so jealously in love with you that He does not take no for an answer.....regardless of you showing with your behavior that you do not choose Him, He still tells you and shows you that He loves you, that His heart did not change for you, that He still wants you just as you are!!!!!

We expect everything from the awesome love of God that He promises...yet we are only willing to give what suits us and when it suits us!!!!! I mean are we kidding ourselves?!!! Really!! Hahahahahahaa, when we buy something we expect to get the whole thing we paid for.....if just a little piece is missing, we are so quick to react and demand to get what we paid for!!! Jesus paid for you in full my friend!! Are you still going to knowingly just give what suits you and when it suits you? WHat do you truly expect in return from Jesus and from God then? I mean be real here!

O what love!!!! Jesus sits there waiting anxiously to fill your heart with His love....a love that is so great that He was willing...and not just willing, but He did die for YOU!! And your actions every day reflect your love towards Him.

I have been blessed by the grace of God to receive a second chance in life when He saved my life in an accident.....I am sitting today and reflecting on what I am doing with that chance...with my life....with my choices.....as my chance in life to ensure I am going to heaven might end today. O how futile my excuses will sound on that day when I stand before God....."but God you know that is just who I am.....", "God you know it was just a innocent flirt", etc. 

I urge you to take this moment.......I thank God that by grace I received a moment like now.....as I did nothing to deserve this moment....it is just His love! His true, jealous, relentless and unconditional love for you and me!!!!!!

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