Monday, August 30, 2010

Your life story

I read a book a while ago and flipped through some of the pages over the weekend in which one question grabbed my attention.

'What story are you living?'

In otherwords, if someone was to follow my life with a camera and the world is watching, will I be proud of what they see? And what role am I playing in that story?

I just became so aware of my every moment in life......does each moment serve me or others....and does it serve well?

Are you willing to look at your story.....if you have one at all?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fathers & Sons

Two weeks ago I was invited to go and speak at Grey College. It was a wonderful experience from the start to the finish. The headmaster Johan Volsteedt received me so well and took me on a journey of the school grounds prior to the gathering in the hall where I was to speak.

What caught my attention after a while, apart from the fantastic infrastructures in place, was that as we walked Mr Volsteedt greeted every child that passed us by name. Not just that, but after the child passed us Mr Volsteedt would tell me about the child and his parents. Wow.

After the gathering we went and had a coffee. During this time we got into one discussion where his son, Andre Volsteedt, came to mention. Then Mr Volsteedt said something that struck me, "Andre is really good at what he does!".

Later that day on my way back on the plane, those words stuck with me and I just realised something. If every father can say those words to his son and about his son, our world as we know it would be so different. We will have a healthier world by far!

What do you think and what is your experience?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hello EGO

I was watching a program last night which I truly enjoy as they do not blow the Hollywood dust of happy endings and fairy tale dreams over the reality of life. So you end up being able to truly relate to each situation they depict and the impact it has on the relevant relationships.

Last night the one character was so caught up in her pride (ego) that she started picking on people she love just to hide the mishap she experienced. She turned into a mean person and the knock on effect of her fake behavior left a trail of tears and hurt relationships behind her.

It just made me think, as I had the same experience with a client this morning, where in my life are my ego still so big that it prevents me from being upright, honest and sincere in all my relationships? Where am I blaming or looking down on others just to make myself feel better?

The people whom I hurt in the process is the very people who will embrace, support and encourage me if I were to shed my ego and be honest.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Take the time

We are so quick to do something or say something.
We are quick to say we do not have the time! When last did you say this to your child, your spouse, your friend or maybe someone at work.....I am sure not too long ago.

Have you ever though that the reason you do not have the 'time' because you did not truly take the time to presence yourself on your decision in the first place and the consequences is what is filling your time now.....having to deal with it....all of it!

Take the time just once today, and before you make an important decision, go and truly look at what is motivating you to make that decision. Why do you really want to make it....or why do you really not wish to make it. Presence yourself to that until it is so important that nothing will influence you to choose otherwise.

I guess that is what true commitment is all about.

Have you taken the time in your life, especially when it truly mattered?

I know that I have not at times....and at times still find myself afterward not having done it. In fact, I had myself yesterday dealing with the consequence of a emotional, not thought through decision I made.

Am I willing to learn?  - Still working on it....trying to presence myself to the importance of not dong it again!!!!

How just a few minutes of taking the time would have saved me sooooo much time and 'pain' today & tomorrow & possibly the day after that and also the next day and the one after that......!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wake up......and live!

Each morning we wake up with a choice:

I am grateful for this day;
Just another day.....

And the choice you make will in turn have a great impact on the rest of your choices that day and create the reality you face, it will determine the attitude and the day that you take to bed with that night. 

Watch your Thoughts, they become words.
Watch your Words
, they become actions.
Watch your Actions
, they become habits.
Watch your Habits
, they become character.
Watch your Character
, for it becomes your Destiny.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Comfort Zone

It is awesome to be in love, to experience that intoxicating feeling when you have just made n huge breakthrough in your life and when you just signed a very large business deal.

Yes, when we experience this success your body embraces it like a narcotic, you are on a high! That feeling would soon warn away, possibly the minute you face your next issue or problem. Like an alcoholic in need of a drink, you would spend the rest of your life trying to get that high again; chasing the next deal, forever analyzing your behavior and that of others.

Your life will be a series of ups and downs and your feelings will ride that wave along with you. You will miss the journey, the experience of each moment in your life. You will miss love.

So, what are you holding onto so dearly that stands between you and the joy of life?

What do you need to let go off in order to just be?

I realized yesterday that there are a number of things I was holding onto to make sure I will experience true love. My 'non-negotiables' are keeping me from experiencing life and love. I need to let go..... 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tears of growth

It's been a day of eye opening into my own soul. Not always the nicest experience at that moment, but worth every tear....if you are willing to learn and take action.

So am I willing to learn? And take action?

ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!! YES!!!! 


The future awaits with much uncertainty after such a great loss, yet hope is what makes me take the next step.


It is hope that fuels my courage!

Pointing the finger!

We have all heard the saying that: 'if you are pointing your finger, just remember that four are pointing back at you'.

Have you ever taken this to heart?
Is it easier to just look at others instead of yourself?

The reality of life is that whilst you keep looking at others you will always have to keep finding someone or something to blame. Eventually you end up being alone in life having pointed loved ones and true friends away in your effort to avoid having to look at yourself.

Yet when you finally get the courage to look at yourself, it ain't all that bad as long as you are willing to start taking action on that which you don't like. As long as you are willing to acknowledge your mistakes. As long as you are willing to ask forgiveness. As long as you are willing to commit to making the changes to become the person you wish to be.

You are worth it! Do not delay another day....stop now, stop the self deceit and look into your heart.

It might not feel like it to you, but the people who's reaction you fear are waiting for your true self. They have been waiting for a long time!